I have always felt a strong connection with Universe, because of that in this ever changing world, the chance to experience ones true self, fully, is one of the greatest expectations we could ever have. You are about to meet that expectation.


Hello my friend and welcome to the world of all that exists. A world filled with the expectations of miracles and the belief that all things are possible. To begin this journey of self- understanding you must recognize just one simple fact. The fact that you are connected to everything that is, was and ever will be. You are a creation of the Universe and all that it encompasses and this is where you journey begins.

When I speak with groups, one of the very first questions I ask is; “Are you happy?” This one question can determine how you will live your life from that moment on.

You can only imagine the responses I receive from people. The great part is that happiness is within reach of all of us, but you have to believe it to receive it. Happiness begins with you… It truly does and it can begin right now.

Just so you know from this moment on that the end is near, then end of your old life that is. It is time to awaken to a new beginning. A new beginning with hopes and dreams being fulfilled and a new commencement of expected miracles within your life. It is time to transition from the old and into the new. Today you begin your latest and greatest journey. The journey of you…

Welcome my friends to RickDorociak.com. A site that was developed to awaken the world to all that is possible. In that awakening the most important topic is you. If you have had the chance to read any of my books, then you know I write as if we are holding a conversation with one another. I write as the words are given to me from the Universe. We all share that special Universal bond and it is time to awaken ourselves to it. The Universe is talking! Are you listening?

I have found that in the simplicity of life one can find that truth is only an illusion. This illusion stems from the basic knowledge of misunderstanding the reality of life. We are taught from birth what the truth is, but what we are really being taught is someone elses truth and not our own. It is our puropse in life to find and follow our own truth. The truth that you have created for yourself. By doing this you will find true happiness.

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