Question 1

What do you think is the main reason that you are not living your dreams?

Question 2

What would it take to get you where you want to be at in life?


Question 3

What are you willing to do to get there?

These three questions were created to help you understand where you are in life and what it will take to start making the necessary changes to live the most amazing life possible. Just take out a piece of paper, write these questions down and answer them honestly. Remember, this is YOUR life that you are answering questions about. If you don’t take them seriously, who will?


Answering these three specific questions is the beginning of a life changing experience for you. I have spoken to many people on the subject of living the life they have always imagined and it is these questions that have put them on the path to change. Once you answer them (honestly) you can then expand on what needs to be done. I cannot stress enough that small changes will make BIG impacts. Once you have begun to make changes in your life, I want you to ask yourself these three questions again, answer them honestly and see if you change any of your answers. I think you will. The reason? Simple, you have finally begun to live life on your terms. 


I am so excited for all the possibilities that are before you. I love nothing better than seeing people start to live the most amazing lives they can!


Therefore, if you have answered the three questions, then it is time to proceed with your journey and I welcome you to all that is possible…

Question 3

What are you willing to do to get there?